Let Me Entertain You

Let Me Entertain You

...I can't that Robbie Williams song out of my head...

I was hoping that in today's post I could showcase some interesting venues I toured in Quebec. Unfortunately, technology was not on my side and I have a few kinks to figure out on my laptop. So instead, I thought I would share a special performance I saw while at my conference in Quebec: MZ Laser Illusion Experience.

For me, MZ Laser was visually impressive. I liken it to part magic show, part laser show, and part DJ dance concert. When watching the performance, I wondered about the technology behind the lasers and the movements to achieve the illusion of controlling the lasers by hand. At the same time, I loved the music that matched the movement of the performer.

I hope you can see the performer's ability to "control the laser" in this video:

MZ Laser is part of MysterAct Productions. This performance arts production company also performs works such as Luz, Mana and Myst, which can be found on their web site. The troupe performs for all types of special events across Canada, the United States and Asia. If you're looking for a "wow" factor, this company is worth considering. 

The company also offers "à la carte" performances that you can select for your event. Below is a photo of their Stilt Character Performers, welcoming guests to an opening reception. I loved their costumes - they looked like mystical, fairy giants. I'm sure this company has performances that can add to your event.

For more information on MZ Laser or any other performances by MystereAct, please visit:  http://www.mysteract.com/en/services/laser

Until next post - ciao!


Venues in Quebec: Museums

Venues in Quebec: Museums

Venues in Quebec: Auberge Saint-Antoine

Venues in Quebec: Auberge Saint-Antoine