I love shots of preparation because I want people to know that throwing the perfect event takes a lot of preparation (and chaos) that's not always so pretty. 

Anyway, as promised, here's my final conference center feature: Convene. This professional-looking venue brand has several conference centers across the U.S. but I'm going to feature Convene 237 Park Ave Grand Central. Ideally located in near Grand Central and the 6 train (at Grand Central), this center is easy to get to. My only concern about this venue is that the entrance is inside an office building, and can be just a bit confusing to find. However, there is and information and security desk to assist with directions. And I did see directional sign to direct you to the entrance. And when I say "concern", I just mean that it took my longer than I expected to find the entrance. That's all.

First impression, I love this space. It's equally professional looking and stylish, fostering creativity but not trying to be too artsy. Take a look at the meeting rooms:

You're probably thinking, "Okay, the meeting rooms are great. But what else is there?"

I got you, don't worry! Convene offers amenities like snacks and drinks as part of your rental. I'm talking refrigerated drinks and baskets of snack bags - all for your attendees to take as they please. And if you're wondering if the venue has lovely corridors to network in - well, Convene 237 does:

There is a lot of "spacious space" which I really liked, and it's beautiful and unimposing. I think this venue has less than 10 meeting rooms(not ideal for some...like for my job) but the space is worth a look because it could work for most meetings. The services included in the rental are worthy of consideration for cost savings. I love how they thought about the meeting planners and meeting attendees, and I feel like this venue shows how they can accommodate - whether it's food, AV, Wifi, set up, etc. Overall, I like this venue a lot and have promoted it within my company for (fingers crossed) potential business. 

For more information on Convene 237 Park Avenue or any other Convene locations, please visit: 


Chef Zakarian at The Lambs Club

Chef Zakarian at The Lambs Club