Park Avenue NYC Has Room(s)

Park Avenue NYC Has Room(s)

I love dining out! I feel it's a part of every event planner to dine at different restaurants to find out what's trending in the restaurant scene as well as the food scene. I recently had the opportunity to search for a restaurant venue for one of my internal clients for a private dinner. We saw some great restaurants but I have to say the Park Avenue Restaurant is one of my "go-to" places...the food is great, and the space is simply elegant, especially because of all the floral decor. After all, this restaurant changes its look and its menu according to the four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. 

Located on Park Avenue and 26th Street, this restaurant serves a modern American menu. One of my memorable desserts here is a coconut ice cream dish served with coconut shavings and ... popcorn! 

During a recent tour, I found out that Park Avenue has a lot of private dining areas available - so I'm sharing the info with you!

Side Note: Back in the day, when I used to do private meetings and receptions in restaurants, I used to ask how private the private dining room was due to the nature of my meetings. I found out the hard way that "private dining room" was merely sectioned off from the main dining by a thick, pull-away curtain. During my meeting, everyone could hear everything and I had some unhappy clients. So if sounds strange that I ask if there's a door or mention that a room as a closing door...well, now you know why. 

The Gallery 

The Gallery room is towards the back of the restaurant and is closed off. It can fit up to 50 people in rounds but it would be tough to fit much more than that (like a projector and screen). The room feels airy though intimate and of course the restaurant will adjust the decor according to the season, and all in good taste. Because it's in the back of the room, it has a closing door and is quiet.

Mezzanine Room

Technically, the Mezzanine is not private since it is open to the rest of the restaurant. But it is in a bistro-style area that is a few steps higher, which gives the area that "mezzanine" feel, and is divided from the rest of the restaurant. Also, there's a cool art-deco awning above a private bar for the Parisian flair. This area is probably great dining for 30 people but in my opinion is much better suited for a reception. 

The Mural Room

The Mural Room is great for a private dinner for up to 24 for people. It can also fit 30 people for reception but for me, this room is more suited for a sit-down dinner. I know it sounds strange, but I do feel like the look of the room dictates what kind of event craves in its space. And this room is has solid doors that close, just like The Gallery Room. 

The Wine Cellar

The Wine Cellar can fit up to 30 people for a private dinner and 40 people for a reception. It is located in the lower level of the restaurant. I thought they did a great job of brightening up the room to keep it in the same theme of the rest of the restaurant. It's definitely private, though I think it's better for a private dinner rather than a reception. And in fact, this was the room my client chose because of its privacy. The decor is simple, airy and pleasing (though I can't remember for the life of me what all those bottles were on the shelf). My client was pleased with her event here, not only for the ambiance but for the menu and the service she received at Park Avenue Spring (the season at the time). 

For more information on the private dining rooms at Park Avenue NYC, visit: 


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