Can I Get a Woot Woot?!

Can I Get a Woot Woot?!

I admit that I've been on a week's hiatus. It's totally my fault. I went gallivanting again, this time to Quebec City (my first time!). Of course, I lost my luggage so I've been through the ringer and back. BUT...I can't wait to show you what I've seen so stay tuned next week. 

In the mean time, I thought I'd cover a trend in events for entertainment. Brought to you by Silent Events, it's the "silent dance party"! It may sound odd at first and well, a bit anti-social, but it is friggin' hilarious. 

The concept is that everyone at your event receives headset with three music options. There's a lever on the headset that switches to three stations maximum. I believe you get to choose what kind of music you want to offer (only because I saw the DJ on the side controlling the music for all 3 stations. In terms of logistics, probably a dance  floor and some strobe lights would work. Add on a bar for the adults who might need some "courage juice." And voila! The silent dance party has started. 

Now, it may take some folks to get started. I know I was one of them. I wanted to listen to the music first. Our options were hip-hop, pop music and 80s music. What got me dancing were some tunes I haven't heard in awhile. That, and maybe a glass of wine in me, was when I started moving. I thought it would be awkward but the truth is that, if you look around, no one's really looking at you and they can't hear you. So technically, you can sing and dance your heart out. Another person may not know what you're doing because they're listening to a different genre of music. And so what? 

I heard some people say that this was anti-social. I disagree. After watching other people dance, I would check my music channels to see what they were listening to, and then possibly join in. Or I would the headset off and chat with other people about the concept, the music, etc. I thought it was easier to start a conversation with anyone in the room because of this concept. If anything, I enjoyed taking pictures of the crowd having a lot of fun. 

If you think this for you or if you want this at your next event, go to:

And just keep dancin' to the beat!





Todd English Food Hall NYC

Todd English Food Hall NYC

Philadelphia: The Logan Hotel and Urban Farmer

Philadelphia: The Logan Hotel and Urban Farmer