


It can be difficult to keep up an upbeat blog and continue to write about great venues and fun events when there are things in the world that reflect otherwise.

I do not wish to post anything today in light of yesterday's terrorism attacks in Barcelona. As someone who considers herself a global citizen, this act of terrorism is unacceptable and senseless. Because of my work, I have been exposed to other countries and other cultures, and I have appreciated this global experience. When I think of my past memories of these times I traveled around, I can't help but feel humbled and enlightened by it. My mind has been more open and my opinions are more relaxed (or perhaps more stern in my beliefs) but if anything, I have an appreciation and understanding of a different point of view, sometimes accepting it as well.   

But violence such as this, is not one of them. My heart goes out to Barcelona, just like is did for Brussels, London, Paris and Istanbul. 

I pray for peace and I pray it comes to you soon. 


Kaiseki at Suzuki

Kaiseki at Suzuki

Salvation Taco NYC

Salvation Taco NYC