I Make the Pizza

I Make the Pizza

If you're looking for a creative and fun event to do in New York, I recommend pizza-making classes at Pizza a Casa Pizza School. I attended a networking event there with colleagues and ended up having a fun time with everyone!

We started off with a few cocktails as we networked with the others. Then we sat down for an informative tutorial about how to make pizza and how to make the tomato sauce. Our instructor also gave us tips on either making the dough at home or what kind of dough we should buy if we're going to buy it at the supermarket. After our mini lecture, we were ready to get started! We each to the station that was already equipped with our marble boards, and began kneading our dough. I think I might have kneaded mine a little too much because I ended up making a hole in it. Luckily such things are fixable!

As soon as the dough was flattened, I put on my tomato sauce ,  mozzarella cheese,  and toppings. It was interesting to look at what other people like on their pizza. Some people didn't put any sauce and wanted to experiment on the taste without it. I wondered if there was a list out there that said what kind of person you are based on what type hangs do you like on your pizza.

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I went for an odd combination of toppings: mushroom and anchovies. What can I say, I like a little saltiness to my pizza. I would've put capers on, but I was afraid they'd roll off if I tried to to eat a slice. Anyway, here is my finished product:

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Pizza a Casa Pizza School offers pizza-making classes and workshops, and offers their venue for private events. The venue itself can accommodate up to 24 people.  I believe that is about the same size for the event I attended,  in which case 12 people made pizza while the other 12 watched while sipping cocktails. As soon as the first 12 pizzas were in the oven, we switched over to the next group. Overall, it was a fun event and very entertaining. I think this type of activity would be great as a team building event to see which team can come up with the best tasting pizza!

For more information on classes or private events, please visit: http://pizzaschool.com/



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