2017 RBC Race for the Kids Challenge

2017 RBC Race for the Kids Challenge

I was hoping to post something last Friday but unfortunately I fell under the weather. I needed some rest! And mainly because I had a very important event to attend on Saturday - the RBC Race for the Kids !

This is my third year volunteering for this event and it's always a pleasure. I get to donate my time time and my skill set as an event manager for a worthy cause. I volunteer through my gym, Solace New York, who created the "Challenge" portion of the event. This year, the Challenge was sponsored by Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Overall this event raised $2 million for children and cancer research through Youth Inc. and MSKCC.

For the Challenge, corporate teams sign up in teams of four (must have at least one male and one female athlete) to participate in a CrossFit workout race. Here's a clip of the final, fastest eight teams competing in the Champion Round

Brookfield Place - Waterfront Plaza

You're probably wondering if RBC had to rent Brookfield Place or is it given to them because they have corporate offices there. The answer is, I don't know. But I do know that Brookfield Place is available for event rental, though I imagine it will cost a pretty penny. The area where the RBC Challenge took place is called the Waterfront Plaza, which is about 10,000 sq of open air space.

Brookfield Place - Winter Garden

Another area available for rent is the Winter Garden, which is the area inside the glass atrium (which is where the big RBC is hanging at the end of the video clip). 


For more information on Brookfield Place, please visit: http://brookfieldplaceny.com/events/rentals

For more information or to donate to RBC Race for the Kids, please visit: https://youthinc.rbcraceforthekids.com/


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Sushi of Gari 46

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