Since I've Been Gone...

Since I've Been Gone...

I know what you're thinking: WHAT HAPPENED?! The last post we saw was in in November 2017!

Long story short, I changed jobs last November. Because I made the switch very quickly, the job I was leaving and the job I was moving to were both demanding. I was leaving in the middle of planning a conference and I was jumping into a conference about to go live in the new job. 

What made things worse was that in January, I was selected for Jury Duty for a month. Yes. ONE MONTH. And though my new colleagues have been helpful in trying to support me, it was still a challenging time because I would be in the courthouse all day and at night I still had to work on one of my Asia. All this, and I was still learning company procedures, staff roles, and figuring out where to find my resources. 

It's been fun and frustrating at the same time.

Recently, I attended an event where an old colleague asked me how my blog was doing. I felt awful telling her that I had to put it on pause, especially because I love it so much. All the time and energy I put into researching and learning how to use the blog software (shameless plug: SquareSpace really makes this easy to do), how to connect all my social accounts, and more recently, how to edit my videos. It would be a shame to let all this knowledge go to waste. 

So here I am, back again. Back to showcasing what I love about events: the destination, the venue, the food, the entertainment, and all the drama that goes with planning it!




NOMO in Soho

NOMO in Soho

7 Moments in Black and White

7 Moments in Black and White